Gloucestershire Nightstop provides urgently needed services to young people facing homelessness. Together with local volunteers, just like you, we prevent young people from sleeping on the streets and help them get back on their feet. Discover how you can help a young person in your community.
Every year around 800 young people present as homeless in Gloucestershire. Nobody should be living on the streets, least of all our young people. With a small donation you can help us bring young people in from the cold, with a spare room you can help build a foundation for a stable and successful life.
“Young people are amazing and deserve a chance at life.”
– Jess, Nightstop Shortstop host
Be a ShortStop host
Do you have a spare room? We are looking for volunteer hosts from all walks of life to provide safe accommodation for young people facing homelessness. ‘ShortStop’ is emergency accommodation provided one night at a time.
Be a LongStop host
Do you have a spare room? We are looking for volunteer hosts from all walks of life to provide safe accommodation for young people facing homelessness. ‘Longstop’ provides longer term placements whilst young people wait for suitable housing to become available. Hear about how Gloucestershire Nightstop has supported young people facing homelessness
Can you provide emotional support to a young person? Have you experienced homelessness? We are looking for great listeners who care about enhancing young people’s well-being and self-esteem. If you have the skills and motivation to tackle loneliness and social isolation, then get in touch.
Become a driver
Our drivers are a vital and valued part of what we do. Acting as the warm and welcoming faces of Nightstop. Transporting young homeless people to and from Host households. This is a flexible role around your schedule with expenses covered.
Contact Us
Make An Enquiry
To find out more about any of the volunteering opportunities available, our safeguarding measures or the training and support you will receive, please get in touch.
Call 01452 331 330 or send us an enquiry
“Nightstop gave me a place to feel safe and warm. My hosts were really nice people. Dinner was brilliant!”
– Diya, 17, service user
Donate this Christmas
Your donations, whether on a one off or regular basis, mean that more young people facing homelessness will be supported to build a stable, and successful future. Don’t forget to gift aid it!
You shop. Amazon donates.
We’re an Amazon Smile charity. Shop at and Amazon donates 0.5% on eligible purchases. Link your account to us now! Hear about how Gloucestershire Nightstop has supported young people facing homelessness